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Nafasi Ferrell

Trauma of Money Spring Cohort!

Hello Narratives Unbound Community! I am excited to be teaching on the history of money and the racial wealth gap with TOM again this Spring.

Trauma of Money (TOM) is a dynamic financial literacy program that bridges the gaps between trauma, scarcity, capitalism, and breaks down their impacts on our relationship with money. If you are a coach, therapist, non-profit worker or just want to begin your money journey this program will allow you to learn and teach new skills and join a community fighting to heal trauma and create financial abundance in our world.

This program has been life changing for myself and my clients and is truly building a community of love and resilience.

Follow the the link here to enroll and use code NAFASI22 for 15% off all payment plans!

Sessions begin on March 9th we hope you will join us or pass along to a friend! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at


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